Very exciting news! We have started a monitoring project for glenan wood using the popular app inaturalist.
This allows anyone to record geolocated observations of cool finds in the wood. There is a growing community that can help you with species identification. Create a login on your computer here and find a link to download the app o your mobil phone here.
You don’t have to be an expert to make an observation, just a sense of curiosity. Flora, fungi, birdsong; even a technicolour scat all reveal a story with enough inquisitive focus and an ability to ask good questions.
Our project can be found at the following link: and select ‘join project’.
EDIT: 20/12/24 Due to emergent interest in the project, I was asked to give the following presentation to the Community Woodlands Association following the annual conference this year.

Viewing the project on your computer also reveals a great map of all current observations. One of things I like about joining a project or following another naturalist in the app, is you can get ‘live updates’ of findings in the field when you log in; there can be some really exciting ‘Breaking News’ some days!
There will also be opportunity for specialist groups and events, such as our annual butterfly ball; to upload historic or future recordings using the app. This is exciting as it allows greter accessibility for others to see our findings.

As a landmanager, we can also review uploads annually and evaluate which records to submit to an external verifier to contribute to existing NBN atlas. The NBN ‘red list’ species currently recorded at Glenan will form the subject of a future blog. If you live in the region and like to help with future lichen and bryophyte monitoring, sign up here.
Our project now forms part of a wider umbrella project for the West Cowal Rainforest Habitat Restoration Project with the Argyll Countryside Trust;

Hope you enjoy this update, I look forward to seeing the above list grow along with everyones knowledge and interest when visiting the wood.
Best wishes; Rhyddian.