To meet our objectives, the Trust needs the support of the community
Having made the decision to keep membership free for accessibilty to all, we welcome donations from members in the parish and those friends who may live outwith the area but have a special affection and concern for Glenan Wood.
Current funding
We have no regular or core funding and currently rely on fundraising. We have received funding from the organisations shown below.
- Community Lottery Fund
- Tighnabruaich District development Trust
- Argyll Suporting Communities Fund
- Community Land Scotland
- Scottish Land Fund
- Northwoods Rewilding Network
If you would like to help with fundraising then we would love to hear from you!
There are various ways to donate, please choose whichever method suits you.
We need your support to help Glenan Wood in the way we have described. You can make a donation securely on-line at Paypal by using the following Donate icon or the QR code below:
Or alternatively you can send a cheque payable to ‘Friends of Glenan Wood’ c/o:
The Secretary, Tigh Eoin, Portavadie, Tighnabruaich, PA21 2DA
Donations can be made by BACS to:
Friends of Glenan Wood
Account no: 17012664
Sort code: 80-22-60 (Bank of Scotland)
Please put DONATION as the reference. If your donation is for a specific project, you may choose to put that here.
Gift Aid
Please boost your donation by 25p of GIFT AID for every £1 you donate by downloading and completing our Gift Aid form below (choose PDF or Word Doc)
You can also leave a legacy to us in your Will.
Charitable donations received will be expended by FOGW in undertaking its work to meet its charitable objectives. FOGW expenditure will include the direct costs of charitable activities, together with those support costs incurred that enable these activities to be undertaken, and governance costs relating to the general running of the charity.
Friends of Glenan Wood is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, Number SC047803.
We are always fundraising for something to further our work. All donations are very much appreciated.