Heritage & Archaeology

As well as it’s natural history, the landscape at Glenan Wood boasts rich cultural archives too. Friends of Glenan Wood’s relationship with it’s history, and the movements of our ancestors that lived here has scarcely begun.

Providing opportunity for the community to re-engage with how their forebears lived on the land and sea will affirm both sense of place, cultural health and community cohesion . Enabling provision of heritage crafts with natural materials, oral story-telling and vernacular building is a way to nourish citizenship and community building in the present day; we see this as a very exciting opportunity for us to support our aims as a community woodland.

Under the canopy, an ancient trackway winds it’s way down from the abandoned village to Glenan Bay; the sea being the main ‘road’ for local human populations until relatively recent times. With a crannog site at the shore, as well as a place of worship, boundary walls, cairns, kilns and all manner of palimpsests worthy of research and investigation in other parts of the wood.

We are currently seeking support for professional volunteers who are willing to undertake a survey of the wood to support our long term forest plan. Please contact us if you can help.